The Archaeological Society of New Jersey (ASNJ) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated on November 12, 1931. The ASNJ’s mission is to promote and encourage the study of historic and prehistoric archaeology, especially in New Jersey. Its main purposes are to support preservation of important archaeological sites and artifacts, and to assist and encourage their investigation and interpretation by approved professional methods; to promote the establishment of local archaeological organizations; and to record and publish archaeological information. The ASNJ also seeks to be consulted on permit-related archaeological surveys conducted in the state.

In 1934, the Archaeological Society of New Jersey was one of four founding members to organize the Eastern States Archaeological Federation, which carries out interstate projects east of the Mississippi River. Membership now includes more than twenty eastern states and Canadian provinces. Our members receive its publication and may attend its meetings. The ASNJ annually supports regional archaeological conferences, such as those of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation (ESAF) and the Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference (MAAC) through student sponsorships and conference donations. The Society also offers research grants to successful applicants seeking to pursue archaeological research in the state.

The Society is essentially an organization of amateurs and is designed to meet the interests and needs of the general public. The Society welcomes members of all ages, genders, and cultures, as well as professional archaeologists, avocational archaeologists, students (elementary through post-doctorate), and members with just a general interest in the state’s cultural history. It seeks the participation of all who are interested in the intelligent conservation and greater understanding of the archaeology of New Jersey. 

We offer a variety of membership types that suite different needs including: student, individual, family, sustaining, corporate, institutional, and lifetime membership types. A portion of the sustaining membership is applied to support our research grant. Annual membership runs from January 1 to December 31.

At its headquarters, the Society maintains a reference library of several hundred books and journals, which members may utilize.

Chapters in different parts of the state hold regular meetings, engage in fieldwork, register collections and publish on their activities. Their policies are in accord with Society objectives.


The Archaeological Society of New Jersey is a non-profit organization formed in 1931 to promote and encourage the study of archaeology in New Jersey and disseminate information about archaeology to the membership and the public. The society holds four meetings a year, conducts field activities, and publishes a Bulletin with scientific articles and a quarterly Newsletter. There are no paid staff.

The Importance of New Jersey Archaeology | ASNJ Promotional Video 2020-2021

Created by Alex Gonzales of AlegraphicsVideo