ASNJ Online Speaker Series: Presentation on Sunday May 23, 2021


For those of you who missed Dr. Richard Veit’s presentation, Searching for the “Lighthouse Fort and the Refugee Town” on Sandy Hook, Public Archaeology at a Storied Historical Site, the video is now live below!

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Join us! ASNJ Online Speaker Series on Zoom. It's Free!  (Limited to 100 people)

When: Sunday May 23 at 7:00 pm Eastern

How: Email for a Zoom Meeting ID and Password

Who: Richard Veit, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, Monmouth University

What: Searching for the “Lighthouse Fort and the Refugee Town” on Sandy Hook, Public Archaeology at a Storied Historical Site


Since 1764 the Sandy Hook Lighthouse has guarded the treacherous approaches to New York Harbor. During the American Revolution, Continental forces unsuccessfully tried to deny the British control of the lighthouse. British troops and partisans captured Sandy Hook early in the war and, despite repeated raids by Continental forces, retained control of the Hook until the end of the conflict. Indeed, the British fortified the lighthouse and Loyalists, many of African descent, constructed a Refugee Town near the light which served as a base of operations for raiding parties along the Jersey shore. Monmouth University’s 2016 archaeological field school was a cooperative endeavor between a private university and the National Park Service, designed to investigate the lighthouse property while providing local residents with an opportunity to participate in archaeological fieldwork at a significant local historic site. The project resulted in an improved understanding of the site and built local interest in regional archaeology. It provides a model for public archaeology at a beloved nationally-significant historic site.

Join the ASNJ on Sunday (May 23) for our Online Speaker Series on Zoom. The presentation will be roughly 20 minutes, followed by a question and answer period.

This is an online livestream video presentation through Zoom on your computer or mobile device. To attend, simply download Zoom via your mobile App Store or via

Please email for a Meeting ID # and Password # to join the presentation. 

Attendance is limited to the first 100 people. If you are unable to make the meeting, please do not fret. The presentation will be uploaded to the ASNJ's YouTube Channel (link: Online Speaker Series). All attendees will be muted and questions can be posed to the presenter through the chat feature.